Sean O’Connor: How Blockchain is Changing Society with Costless Transactions

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This week's guest is my buddy Sean O’Connora brilliant writer and marketer, full-time in Crypto since 2016. Sean is Head of Strategy at BlockNative, a blockchain infrastructure company.

Previously, he worked on Cellarius, a blockchain-based Sci-fi universe, and helped NBA Star Spencer Dinwiddie tokenize his contract -- the first in pro sports. Before that, he coached for altMBA and served as the first Fulbright Scholar posted in Sri Lanka's former war region.

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    Favorite Quotes from Sean O’Connor

    • “The fun part about crypto is that it’s permissionless and anyone can jump in, the hard part about crypto is that it’s permissionless and no one is gonna tell you to jump in you just have to leap” - Sean O’Connor

    • “Follow your interests because if you're pulling on a thread you're excited about the odds are considerably higher that you’ll contribute in a meaningful way… If you think there's a problem or you see something broken speak up, contribute” - Sean O’Connor

    Ideas from the Podcast

    • Web1 is costless publication, Web2 is costless communication, and Web3 is costless transactions

    • Previously it was near impossible to give fan contributions proper credit, but onchain allows us to perfectly give credit where it’s due and even pay fans for their contributions to canon and fandom.

    • The US needs to lean into stable coins. The US dollar could be the internet's reserve currency (similar to how it is already the global reserve currency) if we lean into stable coins, many stable coins are already structured around the US dollar.

    Learn More About Sean

    Twitter: @aseoconnor

    Personal Site:


    Eric Jorgenson