Join 18,392 Smart Friends:

Wonder, Optimism, and “Whoa!”

Light vibes and good times. Honest work with earnest intent. We don’t take this game too seriously, but we do play, and… we like to win.

You will learn about:

Technology: New tech, new companies, and new ideas.

Putting your money to work: Tech Investing, Personal Finance, Wealth Building.

Leverage: The art of increasing your impact.

Things I’m not into: Clamoring Clickbait and FOMO-fostering.

Here’s what you will get:

1) Short posts. Posts are for understanding more, earning more, or living better. We’re finding reasons to believe the future will be amazing — and how we can be a part of it.

2) What I learned from a guest on my podcast. A short email with 5-10 bullet points of my “Oh, hm! Cool!” moments from a new conversation.


Let’s do this together!

I like to learn, and I’d like to learn with you.

I like to earn money, and I’d like to earn money with you.

I like to have fun, and I’d like to have fun with you.