"Building Personal Leverage" Talk at Leveling Up Live Austin
Leveling Up Live Austin group photo
In April, I was a guest speaker at Leveling Up Live conference in Austin, Texas. I talked about Leverage, expanding on the idea from the Almanack of Naval.
This was my first time giving this talk. It's not super polished, but there are a lot of key ideas from the Leverage Course in here. If you want a 20-minute overview of personal leverage, this is the best place to find it:
Anyone can use leverage to level up and increase their impact. By recognizing and combining Tool Leverage, Product Leverage, People Leverage, and Capital Leverage you can create incredible outcomes.
At the end of the talk, I answer questions from the crowd and share some practical examples of how I use leverage in my life.
I won't be talking at many conferences, so enjoy the result of this brief lapse in judgement :)
New Product Leverage: Youtube!
Product leverage can be books, algorithms, software, and media -- like video! I've been uploading videos of my podcast episodes and teasers on my Youtube channel, Eric Jorgenson's Smart Friends.
I'm a n00b at Yout00b, but getting this leverage flywheel started! On top of regularly uploading podcast episodes, I plan to upload videos of talks, lessons, and other meaningful conversations in the future.
I'm sure you're already expecting it, but please like and subscribe to my Youtube channel!